Got a few rings, and such. And even a doll. This should be interesting, I love the paranormal. These are suppose to be peaceful spirits. Lets hope their right, i hate hate hate dolls. But I was pulled to this one.
i constantly have sleep paralysis and see people and things surrounding me. I learned to lucid dream where if i continue the sleep paralysis i can eventually feel myself leaving my body. I can sometimes see myself sleep and walk around my house. Pretty freaky but cool experience.
@hibiscusmile that's a bit insensitive. I have had a haunted house for years. We coexsist peacefully. I make sure to get friendly stuff and i get it checked out first. I show respect to the paranormal and no its not the satens doing. ....see that's why i hate while i watch them paranormal movies... everyone assumes everything is evil. You wanna look at evil. Look at humans and all the we've done.
@PrayingMantisPets I got my ring one of the things I got, when i put it on my hand had a cool breeze to it. and i keep feeling energy around me. Its a protective comfortable feeling not a negitive feeling at all. It felt like my depression started lifting.