Statilia parva ootheca offerred for $10.00 shipped, Priority within the continental U.S. Add $3.00 for each additional ooth.
Please PM me to order, and thank you for looking!
Edit: Description and pictures added.
Statilia parva is a medium/small mantid, timid in nature, with vivid metallic-looking, bright dark blue bands on the raptorial forearms. This mantis also has a lighter blue-to-red combination of markings on the underside of its thorax. Nymphs can be kept communally with low risk of cannibalism until around L3/L4 (providing food is consistently plentiful), after which separating into individual containers is recommended.
L1 nymph
L1 nymph
Adult male
Adult male
Please PM me to order, and thank you for looking!
Edit: Description and pictures added.
Statilia parva is a medium/small mantid, timid in nature, with vivid metallic-looking, bright dark blue bands on the raptorial forearms. This mantis also has a lighter blue-to-red combination of markings on the underside of its thorax. Nymphs can be kept communally with low risk of cannibalism until around L3/L4 (providing food is consistently plentiful), after which separating into individual containers is recommended.
L1 nymph

L1 nymph

Adult male

Adult male

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