Stinky FF cultures!


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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2011
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Louisville, KY you guys do anything to make the smell go away?

I don't want to spray some chemical around them.

They are on the sleeping porch with my mantid's.

Has anyone burned incense or anything?

The furthest away from human noses would be the basement, too cool I think.

my roommate burned some incense the other night in the next room and it didnt seem to have any bad effects on my critters, but I'd be careful not to have it to close to them so they can have clean air to breathe. what about just getting some sage? you dont have to light it without it nicely smelling up an area.

My cultures don't really bother me until they are old. But steroids I took for allergies for a while really decreased my sense of smell. By the time mine smell really bad to me, it's usually time to retire them. The commerical mix from Josh Frogs smells decent. I've added a little cinnamon to my own cultures at times. And my ones with banana in usually smell like banana bread for the first week.

Some ff culture mixes don't smell bad, the one I use is from and smells like apple cinnamon when you make it, and there's no real smell once the culture expires, I just clean it out and make another. You'll be tempted to taste it when its still warm before putting it in the deli's, no really! :lol:

Hhhm good advice!

I will look into the sage and the Joshsfrog when I run out of what I have.

These cultures had tipped over in shipping and it killed everything, but I am holding onto them a bit longer to make sure.

Until I throw them out I feel like a serial killer!

What medium are you using? I use the stuff from I don't notice any smell unless my face is right in em.

These are from Mantisplace.

But as I said before, they are dead sir, dead I say!

They are deceased.

They have passed on, bitten the dust, gone to meet their maker, sprung their mortal coil.

They are in fact X-pupae!

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Of all the premade culture mixes I think Repashy's superfly is the best. It also stretches much further per equal amount than Josh's and others media.

So I started a one a few days ago with the mix from mantisplace and today I have larvae, pupae, maggots??

Whatever they are, yay!
