stopped eating house flies, still eating fruit flies


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
Reaction score
orange county, ca
i have some L2 lobatas that have stopped eating houseflies even though their stomachs are no where near full. it looks like they've eaten 1 housefly. so i threw in some hydei in there to test and they started eating them. why would a mantis that's no where full stop going after certain prey? a housefly for a L2 lobata is not even that big of a meal.

Maybe their just a little too afraid of the hsf? And reverting after the ff. I mean they would probably feel 'safer' for them to go after the smaller ff and have ample supply than risk a hsf?



I agree with AndrewNisip. Younger mantids especially feel more comfortable hunting smaller prey. They know they can do it, and there's less chance of the smaller prey snapping off their limbs (even though flies can't do that). Try using smaller flies, or your largest fruitflies.

but they've already ate houseflies already so they're def not afraid. i'm just puzzled as to why they're no longer eating them even though their stomachs look only about a third full.

Houselfies are small for L2 nymphs. Have they molted recently?
no, they molted over a week ago.

Don't you ever get tired of a certain food item. The fruit flies are a little like popcorn to them and some even larger nymphs can "top off" with fruit flies. I believe that the term "topping off" is borrowed from either Mark or Henry.

Don't you ever get tired of a certain food item. The fruit flies are a little like popcorn to them and some even larger nymphs can "top off" with fruit flies. I believe that the term "topping off" is borrowed from either Mark or Henry.
Agreed, I know my mantids go crazy for the odd food item like a grasshopper or moth.

Don't you ever get tired of a certain food item. The fruit flies are a little like popcorn to them and some even larger nymphs can "top off" with fruit flies. I believe that the term "topping off" is borrowed from either Mark or Henry.
Way to make feeding live, squirming (probably screaming little insect profanities, too) insects to mantids sound like a culinary adventure! :p
