Stubborn Pnigomantis


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mantisman 230

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
I have an l4 male that wont eat anything, he molted last week, and has fed once since, but is barely full, he will grab something take a nibble and drop it, every single time, tried handfeeding and he wants nothing to do with it, he shed 4+ days ago, any suggestions?

Hard to suggest anything when we don't know what you have tried already.

I know mine love Hydei, houseflies, and crickets. If you have already tried those try some moths, a favorite of many species. ;)

As CosbyArt is suggesting, it is important to vary their diet, as like humans, they will get sick of eating the same food each and every day. I had a similar problem with feeding my mantis the same food, and when I made the switch, he started eating well again. I hope this helps :)

Im well aware of variety, and Ive tried the following: crickets, moths, flies, mosquitoes, and smaller spiders, he refuses absolutely everything, but all 12 of the others are doing swell, maybe there is something else going on, tried misting him, but he wants nothing to drink either, hoping he isn't sick, he is one of my few males.

Only other things I can suggest is to check for a molting problem as he recently molted. Is he able to use his raptor forearms and mouth?

I had a double shield mantis molt and afterwards lost the ability to use his forearms, I've been hand feeding him since. But as he can't climb to the screen lid though without his forearms I'm not sure what will happen when he molts again.

got him plump enough now via feeding him by holding the item, but put in a large gnat with him, he tries, but isn't having luck.
Glad to hear you got him to eat. If he is unable to catch his own sounds like a small molting issue. Thankfully he is just a L4 so it should be fixed by the next molt if that is all it is.


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