superworm and fruit fly supplimental feedings, buckwheat honey


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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2014
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I realize the feed/substrate that superworms and wingless fruit flies come shipped in might not be the best to render them highly nutritious.

If I were to make my own feed and culture for these, is there anything I can give them (beyond fresh fruits and veggies) that would improve them for the mantid's nutritional needs? I had seen some discussions on other websites where people dusted the bugs in some sort of calcium or vitamin powder before feeding them to their pet reptiles. Are there any food supplement concerns for mantids? I've heard of honey and bee pollen being used.

I have a small cup of small superworms that I bought today, I gave them a couple slices of apple. Poor things were thirsty, they made a bee-line for the apple and dragged it to the bottom of their cup. I tossed in some banana as well. I'm hoping to clean their guts out a bit with better quality food before feeding them to any future mantids in my care.

Speaking of honey, I have some good quality buckwheat honey, which looks and tastes almost like molasses (no slavic pantry should be without!). Does anyone know if this is safe to feed mantids this type of honey as an occasional treat? It's very different from your typical supermarket honey. It's fantastic stuff, by the way, especially on a slab of black bread with butter (well, for the humans that is)...

Dont feed them to much wet stuff, some lettuce or piece of carrot is good, u will get mites quickly if they are to moist in bedding, A bran bedding, or most ground up

grains are fine for them. Most come in sawdust or newspaper and do not come in a food substrate, maybe from pet store, I dont buy from there

so unsure. Bananas and honey is not for them. Keep it simple.

These were sold with bran bedding, I planned on buying more from the bulk food section to change it out and freshen things up. I don't quite trust how old or funky that bran was so I felt it would be better to swap the old bedding out when I have a chance. I will skip the bananas next time if it's bad for them. Thanks for the advice on carrots and lettuce, I will give them some once they're finished with the apple and I've changed their bedding substrate.

Wasn't planning on feeding the worms buckwheat honey, I meant that for the mantids :)


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