Sybilla pretiosa mating


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Active member
Dec 12, 2010
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Vicenza Italy

I start to say that I'm italian and I don't know very well english.

I have a pair of Sybilla pretiosa. The female became adult on the 1st of March and the male the previous one week. Can I mate them or I should wait another week?

I keep the female at higher temperature and the male at lower one.



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I would wait a week before you try to mate them.

I would then try to feed the female a nice size roach or moth and while she is eating, bring the male near her rear end and see if he jumps on her.

If not, try again in a few more days.

Good luck


Thank you Harry. Yes I feed my female every 2-3 days with a bluebottles ( like you call the flies in english ) and my male is in diet . Finger crossed :D

I would start to feed her every day at least one blue bottle fly if not 2 per day.

This will help her to develop eggs. So 1 or 2 flys per day.

The male I would give 1 blue bottle every other day.

This should help him to be strong for the mating.

Again, she should be ready to mate by next week. With the new feedings you are giving her, she should lay a good ooth or 3 for you.



Last saturday I put the male in the female cage and he jump on hes back after 10 min. I saw them for 30min but I didn't see any contact. After that I went out and I keep them for 5-6 hours together. This afternoon I found a little ooteca. It's normal that the female has layed an ooteca in only 3 days after mated? It can be fetilized? I should try again to mate them?

Excuse me for the questions but They are the first mantids for me and I'm really excited :lol:

It is possible for adult female to deposit ootheca even the same day after mating. As you didn't witness actual pairing it is hard to tell if the ootheca is fertile or not. If it is fertile it should hatch in 40 days. I would try to pair her up again afetr she is well fed. Female for this species can produce many oothecae (> 10) during her life span. Good luck!

It is possible for adult female to deposit ootheca even the same day after mating. As you didn't witness actual pairing it is hard to tell if the ootheca is fertile or not. If it is fertile it should hatch in 40 days. I would try to pair her up again afetr she is well fed. Female for this species can produce many oothecae (> 10) during her life span. Good luck!
Agree with Yen :)

From my experience :

Keep male with female all the time - I did that last season, I keept a 3 females with 5 males.

Females has ate males when their were so old so dont worry about them. U dont need to care, male of Sibylla could jump on female 2-3 times on week. It is more propably ur female will be mated well.

By the other hand, female of Sibylla has laid me 23 oothecas last season so it is really nice score ;)

Thank you Yen and Frey.

I tried to put the male inside the cage and the female didn't eat him. Still now I keep them together and I see the male jumping in her back, but I don't see them mating. The female has laid 3 oothecae. I keep them at 25-26 °C and at 80% humidity. They tend to dry if there is less humidity. There is something to change about incubating them? Thank you very much for helping me :)


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