Tenodera sinensis with new Canon 100mm macro


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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Princeton, NJ
Unboxed the lens like a school kid, mounted on camera and snapped handheld. nikki_mantis-portrait.JPG



Nice!! At least yours is doing well

I stuffed mine in the freezer the other day
Agent -- Nikki's about 80 in mantid years. She's slowing down. But still snaps Mothra-sized moths out of midair for dinner. Part of the secret, I think, is plenty of hydration (more than you might think they need to drink), warm room and allowing free-roaming to her heart's content. I'd certainly prefer to put ice cream in the freezer rather than mantids. :(

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Congrats on the new lens. If you can get a flash or a flash ring it will help your macro shots out tremendously.

I also use a 100mm macro from Canon. My favorite lens by far.

It would be great to get the Canon MP-E 65mm lens though, thing can blow up an ant's head to fill a 35mm frame in full detail.

Man I'm jealous! I am happy with my sony camcorder and its incredible ability to take great macro footage but I would love to take that kind of photography... :)

Zapins - I do a lot of human photography (studio), thus own quite a bit of lighting equipment. But not for macro! You're certainly right; I think next step is ring flash for sure and to buy or build a macro studio (light tent).
