If you up the humidity right when that happens, he'll have a little more time to straighten out his wings before they harden. Once hardened there's nothing much you can do about it. For males it shouldn't matter if their wings are messed up, most of mine don't even notice it. If you see it bothering him too much or getting in his way of living after a couple days, you can amputate them right below the joint. Make sure you hold your mantis securely by the thorax to prevent them from moving during amputation. Unless you cut into the actual joint, there should be no bleeding. Though I do suggest just leaving him be. Most of the time splayed wings are due to wrong humidity levels or bad ventilation.
I've been able to correct minor mismolted wings by using some water/Q-tips to soften the wings back up and then folding them the way they are supposed to be while the wings are still wet. If it's a minor mismolt the water adhesion should be enough to hold and set them in place. Only do this for minor mismolt wings though, it's very stressful for the mantis since the procedure takes a good 15-30 min and the mantis needs to be force-held during that time. It won't work for any serious splayed wings.