My new addition to the fam, H.Grandis molted today. Crazy little dude positioned himself rather close to the floor of the 38oz. cup. I get up and first thing I do everyday is check to see if any of them molted or are molting. Well, I caught this dude just as he was hanging there by his butt. I could not tell whether his legs were quite free or not so I carefully lifted the lid and he slid right out. Poor little dude's leg is all curled up ward from about the knee(???) down. As I watched him make his way around after drying out I noticed the extra length also so I clipped it just short of where the little gripper foot would have been. It is still curled but not as much and he now can crawl with it from time to time. Most of the time it just sticks straight up. Will this fix itself on the next molt??? :mellow: