Thanks a lot dmina! I feel pretty lucky to be keeping a pair of these amazing creatures so early in my career.Beautiful photo's Thanks for sharing!!!
Those antennae are magnificent...
Someday.. I will have me one of them... or two or ten... hehe
Thanks aesculpius, they suddenly seemed to explode into view after the recent molt ... what a wild look!His horns are coming in nicely.
As long as there are no objects in the near background the strobe won't show them up much if at all ... if that's not possible, then a black velvet cloth is draped behind. The final look is then adjusted in post ... assuming it's fairly dark to begin with I just drop some more till it disappears. Typically I boost the exposure a bit and then drop the gamma curve waaay down, it can't be done by merely increasing contrast or the highlights will blow. Often though a hint of dark bokeh subtly showing up is nice for the sense of do you get the black background?
Many thanks LAME! :bow: Those are my faves too.That's beautiful, superb photos friend!
personal favorites: #1 & #5