The fruit fly catcher


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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
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If someone had this idea already or similar, i'm sorry for double posting

This is for people who actively breed the flying species of fruit flys. They sometimes are hard to put in the mantis enclosures. This small gadget solves the problem. Very easy to do and all materials are easily available.

You just need some scissors, super glue, 2 drinking straws and a small container of your choice, mine is a bottle of saline for nasal drops.



By sucking in air on the smaller orange straw you'll apply suction on the other end. When you catch your target, the fly won't climb up to the orange straw because it already has the momentum to go forward and will continue on to the bottle. If you want to feel safer you can always put a piece of tissue or net to avoid possible fly swallowings, lol.

The 2 fruit flies you see in the picture were caught while standing on fruits in my kitchen. You'll have to do some fast and strong suction power or the fly will only go halfway.

It's just an idea i would like to share. If someone eventually wants to do it, please let the glue dry properly to avoid poisoning from the vapors that it emanates.

Pretty good but I think it's easier to just put both straws in the bottle with a net/filter over one so you don't suck them up. Search for "insect pooter" and you'll find lots of examples.

I can't find anything about what you described and i already mentioned the net, filter or tissue on the above post

You put "insect pooter" into Google and couldn't find anything? ;)

The way I do it is catch a bunch of fruit flies using a 32oz container with a lid then I put the cap on a I shake it up and down the container sideways. And then after they stop moving and look dead I take off the lid and I pour the fruit flies in the container where the mantids are. It is quick and easy.

You put "insect pooter" into Google and couldn't find anything? ;)
Nope, it asks me if wanted to say "insect potter" instead, if i choose yes all it comes up is potter wasps and harry potter links, lol. If I don't, same results appear because they are still considering my search as a mistake.

Nope, it asks me if wanted to say "insect potter" instead, if i choose yes all it comes up is potter wasps and harry potter links, lol. If I don't, same results appear because they are still considering my search as a mistake.
Wow, Google really is starting to suck. It must be the country you are in, filtering, personal result, or who knows what. I get 900+ million hits, just imagine what else you are missing out on. Try the following link which is suppose to be a "US/English" search:

But this is a simple version of what I'm talking about:


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Wow, it's a whole new world! What's most amazing is i never heard of this and yet it's pretty common! Let's say my version is more risky than the default one, lol


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