Better odds to mate again for fertility of ooths. I am just guessing, but more is better. I hope you are successfull with them. I would love to see more of them around, but they are difficult to hatch.
I am used to mate my mantis more than once or twice(I mean as long as my males are willing to!).For instance I believe I mated my Creos 5 to 6 times at least!!Same with my Gongys and all my mantids.When females are fertilized I let them lay their first ootheca and then I mate them again and again and again :lol: .
But being a tricky species and having only 1 female I do not want to fail...
She stopped eating(which is I think a good sign) and she should start feeding again soon before laying her ooth...If she does not die of boredom(possible cause of death? :lol: )