They look at me like im crazy!


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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2011
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B.C., Canada
So, im currently in vancouver at music fest canada, staying in the sharaton hotel, and because i came with a group of 40+ people paying $12 for in room internet was not an option. So here i am, sitting in the lobby (which happens to be quite busy) on my laptop looking at pictures of bugs. I havent been online for a few days due to travel, so i was just going throgh everything i missed while i was away, one of these things happened to be a lovely post with outstanding pictures of ticks. So i was creeping these tick pictures when i looked up and noticed how reflective the window accross from me was, then, while i was adimiring myself if the window/mirror i noticed that everyone that walked behind my chair took a disgusted or confused double take of my computer screen. I had one lady even stop and ask what they were. I just thought id share, cause i know that im not the only one that has been in this situation or a situation similar to this. People always look at me funny when i say a keep bugs as im definitely not the type of person you would look at and say "hey! she looks like a bug person".

Weird or dirty looks are to be expected. <_< I used to tell anyone and everyone about my hobby, but now I feel it out first. ;)

I tell everyone. It easily weeds out those who aren't interested in a major part of my life. It's not like it's herpes. If I had that, I would let them know as well. I'm all about instant full disclosure. Sometimes it's too much for some, but it gets all the cards on the table for a quick hand.

Many people keep bugs without knowing it(lices,ticks,crabs.... :D ).So in fact we are all bug keepers.

Do what you enjoy. I have friends that think I am some kinda weirdo for going fossil hunting, keeping strange pets, keeping bees, etc. But I really don't care. These are the things that make me happy.

I tell everyone. It easily weeds out those who aren't interested in a major part of my life. It's not like it's herpes. If I had that, I would let them know as well. I'm all about instant full disclosure. Sometimes it's too much for some, but it gets all the cards on the table for a quick hand.
LOL....kind of like those homosexual folks that, when first introduced, feel the need to share their sexuality with you, eh? "Hi, I'm Carl and I'm gay!" Umm...OKAY! "Hi, I'm Carey and I'm heterosexual!" :blink:

I used to chat with the cashiers at Walmart about my various business-need purchases (dog food & bird seed for the rats that are fed to the snakes, etc.), but have found a bit of discretion (especially here in Bible-thumper* territory) goes a long way toward making my life a little easier. (I'm also in a long-haired, denim-skirt-wearing phase, so likely people think I'm part of that "snake-handler" religion*, too!) Now, if I share, it's usually with the tattooed, pierced freaks & weirdos (here used as a term of endearment), since they are usually well-acquainted with the odd & unusual (and probably find it even stranger to hear about it from an obvious conservative like me!) ;)

Our first reptile show where we introduced mantids, there was no interest at all. Our second show, we brought Monkey Face (RIP), and had her out and every person that stopped by was either, "Aww, COOL! A mantis!", or "Eww! Those things creep me OUT!"...our THIRD show, we were selling them like hotcakes! Now, we're known as the "mantis people" at the shows...though, we still occasionally get funny questions ("Those things eat plants, right?"), we have noticed significantly more educated people stopping by our booth ("Do you have any of those pink flower mantises?") I like to think that this was because of their initial exposure to it when we brought the first ones. It's likely, they saw them, were interested, went home & did some research! :clap: We tend to get a lot of the same people at the shows...we call them "regulars". ;)

Since getting into mantids, ourselves, we have noticed that we have much greater respect for ALL insects, and are vastly more apt to "rescue" a stray spider in the house now than we ever would have before!

*Disclaimer: I am a conservative Christian, myself, and have great respect for Penecostals & other fundamental Christian groups, so my use of this term is not intended to be derogatory in any sense.

Some people think I'm a weirdo too for keeping bugs, and for thinking they're cute haha But ya you have to do what makes you happy, who cares what others think. Everyone has something weird about them, just remember that.
