This year's ootheca harvest...


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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These are the ones I didn't sell or already throw away...



Check out how different these D.lobata ooths are. From 2 females from different sources. The girls look identical but their ooths sure don't. The light colored one is actually turning orange since it's been incubating a while. Weird.


I would love to have an orchid ooth!!!, haha
I only had 18 of them! :D But I don't sell them. I make too much on the nymphs. Plus they are just so unpredictable. Not all hatch.

What is the spherical green ooth?
There are 2 of them from my Cilnia humeralis. Sold both of those. She laid the 5th one this morning.

So this is your next generation? or are you not hatching them?
Which species do you mean?

Most of the Orchid ooths are done. I have a few small ones still incubating but I don't have high hopes past the 5th ooth on one is the 7th. One of the females is still alive. She's 6 months as adult and still healthy. I have 3 sub females, one of which is preparing to molt, and males ready for the next generation. Then more at L2 to stagger multiple cultures since I can't seem to produce enough to meet demand!

Still incubating D.lobata, Brunneria borealis, and Ephestiasula pictipes. The rest are either already hatched or duds.

I'll mate my Oxyopsis gracilis, Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii and Parymenopus davisoni this week, then the Archimantis latistyla once the male finally molts. After that the Ephestiasula pictipes will be adult. Then in a few months Ephestiasula pictipes, Sphodropoda quinquedens and hopefully Sinomantis denticulata. Yikes!

Nice I harvest a lot more then that this year ... but just not as cool collection u have, I'm jealous of ur cool collection Henry :(
Ha-ha! I easily sold as many as are shown here and threw out about 10 that had already hatched. It's pretty ridiculous. I really need to cut back.

Ha-ha! I easily sold as many as are shown here and threw out about 10 that had already hatched. It's pretty ridiculous. I really need to cut back.
So nice u able to sell 1/2 off it .. I send out more then 60 Ooth to just 1 person this year for trades .. No money just for hope i can get to try out new species .. so to me is worth it .. but some don't hatch :( hmm... hmm.....

Do you know how long it takes Wild Arm to hatch ??? 4-6 weeks ?? my is about 5 weeks now not hatch yet...
Mine took 48 days to hatch.

60 is a lot of ooths to trade. Hope they make it worth your trouble. And I hope you aren't trading to a scammer.

Na the person i trade with is a nice person Everyone know that person in this forum , just want keep the name invisible. I got some species i have never tried from that person . I'm happy for that .. i can't sell them when i produce so many so i had to send them out . The Ooth is no use for me ... but new species is always welcome for me to try .. haha ... If i was in the US .. you'll see my add all the time for selling nymph ... but too bad .. I'm in Canada .. lol

Are these hatched? If so let me know if you ever sell any hatched ooths from less common species. Always looking to add to the collection.

Are these hatched? If so let me know if you ever sell any hatched ooths from less common species. Always looking to add to the collection.
Yeah, most are hatched. I don't save them so I'd give you as many hatched/dud ones as you'd like. Unfortunately, I just threw away a whole pile.

I still have some of these if you need them:

Heterochaeta orientalis

Idolomantis diabolica

Phyllothelys werneri

Hymenopus coronatus

Oxyopsis gracilis

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii

Rhombodera cf valida

Otomantis sp.

What are the really dark ooths? The ones that look almost black?

Ooh! I cant wait for the Brunners to hatch. I have wanted them since I first joined the hobby.

What are the really dark ooths? The ones that look almost black?

Ooh! I cant wait for the Brunners to hatch. I have wanted them since I first joined the hobby.
The 3 in a row in the second pic are Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii. The other dark ones on that lid are Heterochaeta orientalis.

I have Brunner ooth for sale. PM me if interested.

Good gravy that is a lot of mantis oothecas. I hope you are being a good mother hen and keeping them safe and warm.
