Tiny little Gemmatus - first fly with new raptor


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Active member
Jan 29, 2020
Reaction score
Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania
Okay maybe not the best pics but so excited to share! This tiny thing arrived in a group purchase by accident, she had not yet molted and think she v just slipped thru with counting out my group! She lost a raptor, presuming in shipping, everyone else had shed and she was literally prey size.  She (presuming) could not catch food so put her in an extra small cup and started feeding her blue bottle maggot guts, which she loves!  They arrived March 25th and  within a week or so several of the other 6 Gemmatus were already hitting L3 and this tiny thing was still L1....  I had almost given up hope when I was thrilled to find she had molted.  Still tiny but all energy went into growing a new raptor.... and most exciting news....  Sunday she caught and ate her first fruit fly on her own!!  O treated her today to more guts, but put a fly in her cup too.  

Top pic is L1 missing an raptor.  Size comparison pic last with a sibling! Sorry not great pic but figure my luck he had think she's dinner! 

Extra special little fighter!! Fingers crossed she keeps doing better!! 






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