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New member
Aug 30, 2012
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Hey guys,

So I apologize in advance if these questions have been asked over and over again. I attempted to search for an answer but I still feel as though I need to ask to be sure. So here's the deal. I found a praying mantis on the road about a week ago. He was lying in the middle of the street all spread out and at first I thought he was dead. I went to go grab him and take him home only to realize that he was not a goner!

I have never had a mantid before although I've been planning to get one (what are the odds? :tt2: ). I brought this guy home and placed him inside a tall plastic container. I own a bunch of tarantulas so I put down some coco fiber as substrate and placed a few sticks vertically in there. He seems to be very thirsty and will drink from a syringe that I use to fill all my water dishes. However, he won't eat and I noticed that one of his legs parts is missing. I believe it is the tarsi from his left "arm" (once again I'm very new to the anatomy so any corrections would be welcome!). I have attempted to give him some small crickets but he is not interested. Also, I have seen him hanging upside down on multiple occassions and there are certain times when his eyes will turn white! I thought for sure this was a sign of a molt coming on but it has yet to happen. It seems to happen every couple of days he will be upright and then turn upside down and change his eye color. I know that water is more important than food at this time so I'm not so worried about him not eating but is it weird for him to be changing color randomly?

I really appreciate any information possible! Thanks guys. Hope to hear from you soon!


Welcome. Not sure what you mean about color changing. Mantids don't change color, though they sometimes will during molting. Make sure the substrate is slightly damp to raise humidity. Perhaps it was smacked by a car? If it has wings it is an adult and will not molt anymore.

Hey and welcome to the forum.

Um I could be completely wrong as I'm new to this as well.

But....I think there is a post in here somewhere specifically about mantid's being able to change their eye color at night maybe??

Or maybe it's a certain species that does it? Look around in General discussion maybe?

I don't think that has anything to do with a molt though.

You should probably try a flying insect.

Most of them will stay upside down at the top.

Post a pic and Team Mantis will ID him or her for you!

Tell you if it's an adult or not.

Their eyes will be dark in low light.

If you have them in the dark for a while and turn on the lights, or bring them into light, you can watch their eyes slowly lighten to their daytime colors.

Perhaps that is what you have witnessed?

Take and squish the feeder and use tweezers to put to his mouth from underneath so u don't scare him, if hungry once he taste it he will eat, and welcome!


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