Well-known member
I Have Some Extra M. Caffra That I Can Offer In Trade
0.0.8 CB Miomantis Caffra / African Springbok Praying Mantis
L3 - L4 Nymphs
Hatch Date: 2-28-15
Can also toss in like 3 or 4
CB L3 Stagmomantis Carolina / Carolina Mantis ~ Unsexed
On The Very Top Of My Want List
*Gongylus Gongylodes ~ Violin Mantis / Have Never Had & Really Really Want
I know higher value than what I'm offering
Can do 7 to 8 nymphs for a sub pair or 3 to 5 nymphs or ???
Would like enough to insure getting at least one pair
Might even be willing to cover shipping both ways ???
Maybe / For The Right Deal / ???
Would also more than happily trade for
Blepharopsis Mendica ~ Devil's Flower / Thistle Mantis
Sibylla Pretiosa ~ Cryptic Mantis
Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii ~ #9 ('Cause I'm Old School / LOL)
Phyllocrania Paradoxa ~ Ghost Mantis
Brunneria Borealis ~ Brunner's Stick Mantis
Any Sp. with a nice sized flange / shield or any LARGE Sp. or ???
Nymph for nymph trade Or 7 - 8 of mine for 5 - 6 of yours or ???
I've already separated out what I'm keeping for breeders & these are my extra
So LMK What You Have If You're Interested
I'm Sure We Can Work Something Out
If You Just Want To Buy Them
$30 + Shipping For All 8
If you're in the Greater LA / Long Beach / Carson / 90810 Area
Can do pick up / face to face trade
Pick up / face to face trades
Check out my CL post for more pics / Map / Contact info. etc. & so on
0.0.8 CB Miomantis Caffra / African Springbok Praying Mantis
L3 - L4 Nymphs
Hatch Date: 2-28-15
Can also toss in like 3 or 4
CB L3 Stagmomantis Carolina / Carolina Mantis ~ Unsexed
On The Very Top Of My Want List
*Gongylus Gongylodes ~ Violin Mantis / Have Never Had & Really Really Want
I know higher value than what I'm offering
Can do 7 to 8 nymphs for a sub pair or 3 to 5 nymphs or ???
Would like enough to insure getting at least one pair
Might even be willing to cover shipping both ways ???
Maybe / For The Right Deal / ???
Would also more than happily trade for
Blepharopsis Mendica ~ Devil's Flower / Thistle Mantis
Sibylla Pretiosa ~ Cryptic Mantis
Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii ~ #9 ('Cause I'm Old School / LOL)
Phyllocrania Paradoxa ~ Ghost Mantis
Brunneria Borealis ~ Brunner's Stick Mantis
Any Sp. with a nice sized flange / shield or any LARGE Sp. or ???
Nymph for nymph trade Or 7 - 8 of mine for 5 - 6 of yours or ???
I've already separated out what I'm keeping for breeders & these are my extra
So LMK What You Have If You're Interested
I'm Sure We Can Work Something Out
If You Just Want To Buy Them
$30 + Shipping For All 8
If you're in the Greater LA / Long Beach / Carson / 90810 Area
Can do pick up / face to face trade
Pick up / face to face trades
Check out my CL post for more pics / Map / Contact info. etc. & so on