Trouble Finding Food for Mantid


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Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
New Zealand

I have 1 adult female mantid (Miomantis caffra) who initially refused to eat moths but now ate a large moth around 3 days ago which should keep her full for a while. I'm currently finding moths outside the house (or inside for that matter) with no luck, or any other bug since winter is around the corner. I'm just wondering if there are any alternatives to feed my mantid (one being honey)

There is no alternative, including honey. Why people think they live on that stuff stupifides me. It is used as a treat, nothing else. U r doing

good if u find things around the property to feed it. Also look under rocks for little worms if desperate.

where are you if winter is setting in? It's the beginning of summer here xD. But you could also get mealworms at a local pet store if need be.

New Zealand, lol. Aussies/New Zealanders are on opposite seasons than the rest of the world. Their summer is our winter and vice versa. 

Yeah. I'm starting to look in different places for bugs n that and I don't really prefer feeding my Mantid honey since its poop becomes sticky and hard to clean, probably once in a blue moon. Just curious if there's any other options than to find bugs in case if there's none.

It's getting very cold here and rudebega is right. I'll take the pet shop suggestion if there's no bugs to be found. Thanks for the help!  :D

Honey is a treat item and not be substituted for their feeders, it beats nothing but will not sustain them long-term (a survival type food for mis-molted mantids is milk or some baby foods, and if needed will be better than nothing). Indeed check at local pet stores, fish bait stores, and anywhere that may have something. Be sure to talk to a clerk at each store too, as they may have the feeders in the backroom or can get them for you if you ask. Another resort is ordering online but shipping fees will be outrageous unless you can find something nearby.

In the meantime using bright lights outside at night will help attract moths and insects (I use nothing fancier than a old lamp and a string tied around the fence with a sheet). You can also make your own fly trap, and they can also trap anything that crawls in them such as beetles/roaches/spiders/etc. If the wildlife is nearing all dead this time of year, you can try capturing insects from the basement or crawlspace too of your house (just be careful of any pesticides/chemicals in use) using a small net helps. If you try to capture them inside, keeping the lights off from the area besides a small flashlight you hold will not scare them off as quickly, and makes some attracted to it.
