Troubling Ghost illness & death


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Over the rainbow
I had an odd thing happen. I had gotten my 10 gallon vertical ghost breeding vivarium setup and was moving the two mature males into it when I noticed that one of them was not right. First, he was missing the grasping part of this right forelimb and he was not walking well at all. More dragging himself with his whole left side, the right legs moved but were very weak. I still transferred him to the new enclosure anyway since I had him out but as I expected from his weakness he died overnight so I'm not looking for a cure but has anyone else experienced something like this? Did he chew off his own forelimb? Why did the right side not move well? I keep all my mantids separate until mating time and he was fine a few days ago.

On the bright side, the other male and female seem just fine so far. I saw them introducing themselves to each other by sitting face to face with rapidly jittering antennae last night after lights out. Didn't see him mount her but maybe that will come after their next "date" - they are on opposite ends of the tank this morning.

it just happens and there is nothing that can be nailed down to why it happened as things happen even for no reason!

Bummer dude!

Good luck with the remaining pair.

I know it's unrelated, but..

I had to split my two ghost nymphs up this morning. I witnessed them dancing rather crazily in front of each other and swinging claws around. Figured I better just split them up before I lose one.

Poor thing, must of had a stroke and got ran over by a truck

I couldn't believe it, just a few days earlier he was perfectly fine, then when I go to make the mating introductions and it was like he had been destroyed. He fluttered his wings and the right side wouldn't even close back up. He was the youngest male too.
