Unidentified Mantis


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Mar 23, 2008
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Hello everybody. Today my uncle returned from Borneo. His passion are the butterflys so he brought about 3000 of them but it is not a point. He gave me a mantid which looks like Hierdodula Grandis (whole green with green eyes) but with her front pronotum is red . She is 7cm long and she layed an ooth today. I can't upload a photo because I lost my memory card adapter but I will attach them tommorow... So, anybody has any idea? Sorry for my English ;p

Eh, I forgot the password to my account (Picho), and the password I received in e-mail is wrong lol. Sorry for delay, here are photos of her and her ooth.




Sorry for low quality but my camera sux.

Any idea what can she be?

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We found this species, too, or, in fact, we found two very similar ones which I identified preliminarily as Hierodula cf. tenuis. It is not clear yet which of the two species is tenuis and whether the other one is undescribed or not. I cannot see from the photo which of the two you have.

We bred them for about two generations, but I wasn't really interested in it and the guys we've given it to didn't succeed in breeding it for longer. So, despite being a Hierodula, it is obviously not an easy-to-breed species. Raising them to adulthood was not a problem, though.

It is one of the prettier Hierodula species.

Take a pic of it outside if you can, it will be brighter and also try to get the underneath for Christian to really see it, and then we will know for sure. :)

Unfortunately, even a photo from another angle will not allow any closer ID. The two very similar species cannot be separated without a close inspection of the specimen, and, despite of this, the name tenuis is not a 100 per cent sure one, anyway. Hierodula is a horrible genus to work with...

Aww... ######, she died today because of eye illness ;/. The little dot on her left eye can bee seen on the first photo, this dot have grown bigger and mantid had a problem with balance and I found it dead this morning ;/ ;/. I hope that the ooth is fertile..


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