Very Sick Ghost Mantis


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Jan 20, 2018
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Hi all,

Today when I got home from school my ghost, Apollo, looked really weird.  He was perfectly fine when I left at 3p, but in bad shape at 5pm.  The thing that stuck out to me was that his antenna were not moving at all (ghost's antenna are usually always buzzing around).  then I noticed a small bubble of oddly colored liquid on his left raptorial near his face.  I took him out to look and he was barely holding onto his plant while I was lifting it out.  I tried to feed him some honey, but his mouth parts are barely moving and he didn't really accept it (he usually loves it).  Now he looks really weak slumped over sideways.  His body keeps pulsing as if he is breathing heavily or kinda like a heartbeat pulses.  He cannot keep his head or raptorials up and he looks really bad.  I know the answer is probably that he is on death's door, but if there is anything I can try or should be doing please let me know.  I'm very sad because him and his sister are my first mantids.  They both molted last week wednesday-thursday and have had the exact same thing to eat (a bluebottle and a cricket).  his sister is just fine and looks normal so I'm not really sure what happened to him :(.  Here are some pics, but be warned that they are sad to look at.  Anyway,  I know he is most likely about to die, but thanks for looking.


a sad mantis lover

EDIT:  unfortunately Apollo passed shortly after this post.  I suppose I'll leave the post up for now in case anyone is curious or has similar issues.




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I’m so sorry for your loss.  :(

I don’t hav much experience with this, but it could’ve been Black Death if he was regurgitating black liquid. It could also be mold. Make sure to keep a close eye on his sister.

And in case it was Black Death, I suggest thoroughly cleaning the cricket habitat, or throwing them out and getting a whole new batch from a reliable vendor.

Sorry this happened.  I'm not sure what the cause could be either but it might be worth inspecting the female's enclosure for mold or even cleaning it out to be safe, if they had similar enclosures.  You could possibly also reevaluate the ventilation and humidity you were using for the enclosures in case that was related.

Yeah as the others said, switch out anything that was shared (substrate/enclosures/feeders).   It can be hard to see the physical signs of black death with the ghosts when they are so dark to begin with.  Sounds like a good possibility though. 

Sorry for the loss of your mantis friend.  Keep your head up!

Sorry for your loss of Apollo. We have our first ghost too, named Spooky, and think they are wonderful. Hope more mantids come your way. 
