I am wanting to trade for a few cultures of flightless Hydei (Drosophila hydei) flies. I have several mantid nymph species that will need them soon and can not locate any near me. The only thing local pet stores in about 50 miles of me carry is Melanogaster, and I got a few of those now too - so I am just looking for Hydei.
For trade I have these available - mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), springtails, isopods (Armadillidium nasatum), freshly hatched (9-6-15) Griffin mantid nymphs (Polyspilota Griffinii), or a pair of adult wild caught Chinese mantids (Tenodera sinensis).
You can view my Breeder Feedback, and my Other Feedback. Let me know what you are offering Hydei culture wise, and what you want for the trade from my list in a PM. Thanks.
For trade I have these available - mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), springtails, isopods (Armadillidium nasatum), freshly hatched (9-6-15) Griffin mantid nymphs (Polyspilota Griffinii), or a pair of adult wild caught Chinese mantids (Tenodera sinensis).
You can view my Breeder Feedback, and my Other Feedback. Let me know what you are offering Hydei culture wise, and what you want for the trade from my list in a PM. Thanks.
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