Weird katydid


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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2009
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Singapore lah.... then where?
I found this little guy near my house


I find those all the time. Not sure if it is the same exact species but sure looks the same. Probably introduced here.

Whats with it's abdomin? Looks like some of the exoskeleton is missing or something. Or maybe it's just happy to see you! :lol:

Whats with it's abdomin? Looks like some of the exoskeleton is missing or something. Or maybe it's just happy to see you! :lol:
Ovipositor (sp?) I believe.

See them all the time around here. My T. sinensis love them, but they're too big for the S. carolina.

Ovipositor (sp?) I believe.

Depending on the shape of the ovipositor (short and curved vs. long and thin) depends where she will lay her eggs (either in the soil, or in/on plant tissue) but I have forgotten which was which.

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these lay their eggs on the edges of leaves/twigs. long and straight would be in soil (think of crix!)


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