What are these bugs?


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
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Anyone know what these are? They're kind of slow and "dumb" moving (they just kind of stumble around).

Are there any bugs that a Chinese mantis shouldn't eat?


They look juicy. Give them a try. The mantis will eat them if they're yummy and won't if they're not. I have no idea what they are, though. :huh:

They look like big aphids. I have seen aphids that were very big and had the same shape as those but they were beautiful light green.

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They do seem like plant juice sucking type bugs. Not sure about aphids because of the wings.

My 2nd instar grabbed it up like it was the best gift ever so I guess they like 'em. Had some issue with those big wings but when it started trying to flap/wriggle free the mantis cut them off. :)

those look like winged female aphids. ( I believe there are only females in this species and they reproduce parthogenetically) Anywhoo... Every year the females aphids get wings and fly to a new plants for there young to grow on and so their colony expands. Aphids give birth to live babies by the way

It's every second generation of females they get wings to go to a new plant, since they reproduce and mature rather quickly (usually before the infested plant dies). But you are correct Hertarem :D They sure do look like big aphids.

I was debating whether or not it was one or 2 cycles before wings! Well I was close enough. I remember studying aphids in AP Enviormental science

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those look like winged female aphids. ( I believe there are only females in this species and they reproduce parthogenetically) Anywhoo... Every year the females aphids get wings and fly to a new plants for there young to grow on and so their colony expands. Aphids give birth to live babies by the way
I know aphids like these that have males so these could maybe have males? I wonder how big is that coin? Is it about the same size as a thumb nail?
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Patrick a quarter is not a measurement :p I have no idea how big quarters are as we don't use USD in Australia :D


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