What is your current collection of mantids??


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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
So I was just wondering whatis your current collection of mantids??

My current mantis collection consists of:

One phyllocrania paradoxa - ghost mantis sub-adult female

I know it is a pretty pathetic mantis collection but I'm just getting started :D

Also new to the hobby, I have one each of Popa spurca, Creobroter pictipennis, and Phyllocrania paradoxa. I have 3 more Popa nymphs on the way by mail, and 2 Purple boxer ooths should be shipping to me on monday hopefully.

1 Adult female Hierodula majuscula, 2 female nymphs; 2 unsexed Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii's, An adult pair of Parymenopus davisoni, and two female Ephestiatula pictipes.

With ooths, I have two Brunneria borealis, and thanks to me going out hunting, 7 possibly fertile T. sinensis ooths. I may be getting a religiosa ooth soon :)

Edit: Now have religiosa :)

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Nothing worth mentioning. Been largely out of the game for a couple years now.

i've got an idolo, a mio, wahlbergii L1-3, too many majuscula L2-4, orchids L2/3, adult creo pict, hierodula bipapila hatchlings, ghosts, creo pict ooth and 2 stagmo cali ooths :D

My Collection is under my Signature ..too many to type ...
Not sure if you know but Peter(forum owner) has asked repeatedly that our signatures be 4 lines or less, yours is like 20 and looks like one of those flyer ads I get in the mail, I don't care personally but he's said this more than once its about page space, if everyone did that 3 posts would take up the whole page, maybe you could put them together sideways in a row?

Not sure if you know but Peter(forum owner) has asked repeatedly that our signatures be 4 lines or less, yours is like 20 and looks like one of those flyer ads I get in the mail, I don't care personally but he's said this more than once its about page space, if everyone did that 3 posts would take up the whole page, maybe you could put them together sideways in a row?
Mine used to be 4 lines but I REALLY NEED ORCHIDS!!!

currently. S. Carolinia, Popa spurca, phyllocrania paradoxa, Hypsiocorypha gracillis, S. Pretiosa, Sphodomantis sp. Black Flash, Idolomantis diabolica, Metallyticus violaceus, deroplatys dessicata Double shield ooth in hatching.

raised to adulthood and bugpinned when dead: Male P. Paradoxa, Hymenopus coronatus, Pseudocreobotra walberghii, s. multispina, tenodera sinensis.

Adults: An S. viridis pair, a C. pictipennis pair, 1 H. majuscula female, 1 D. lobata male, 1 P. wahlbergii female (who I desperately want to breed.. *sigh*), 1 P. paradoxa female left, 2 I. diabolica females, P. affinis male and my female is sub, plus a colony of O. gracilis.

Nymphs: 1 O. gracilis, and a boatload of ghosts. Hoping to get a few more soon since I like babies :)
