When you water make sure you use a very (very) fine mist. The surface tension of even a small droplet will suck the nymph in and drown it. I made this mistake once but was able to pull the poor nymph out with a toothpick and miraculously it survived.If there are no ventilation holes in the lid, or the glass, the mantis will most likely die. You can use a rubber band and some thin fabric to cover the opening until you get another container with proper ventilation. You may also want to start a culture of flightless Drosophila sp. to make feeding easier. Hope this helps!
When you water make sure you use a very (very) fine mist. The surface tension of even a small droplet will suck the nymph in and drown it. I made this mistake once but was able to pull the poor nymph out with a toothpick and miraculously it survived.
If there are no ventilation holes in the lid, or the glass, the mantis will most likely die. You can use a rubber band and some thin fabric to cover the opening until you get another container with proper ventilation.
You may also want to start a culture of flightless Drosophila sp. to make feeding easier. Hope this helps!