Where or how to obtain moths/butterflies?


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Mar 15, 2011
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Hey guys and gals. I just obtained 6 violins and they are mostly at L3 but two are at L4. They are taking to houseflies just fine and I will move up to bb soo. But my question is that I know a varied diet is best, at least a varied flying insect diet anyway. However I live in Michigan and moths and butterflies will be gone for the winter, most already are. So is there a vendor that sells moths or butterflies that have already emerged from their cocoon?

Or am I stuck raising silk/wax/ or some other kind of worm?

Newb question I know. Flies are not a problem of course to get but I figure why not toss them some variety every so often :)

Naw! The puritans here will say variety is a must, but evidence suggests the contrary. Before adulthood, you can hand feed them crickets as well, or various worms. But Gongy's will be fine on just Blue Bottles. Dust them with the pollen mixes available out there if you feel inclined.

With just 6, hand feeding will be kind of fun. In Michigan (I grew up there), you've got lots of creepy crawlies in the house that you can catch, kill and hand feed. But flies will be fine.

Yeah, my experiment with Goliath Worms was a complete bust. Got them to the last instar, then some fly/larvae got in and wiped them out. I can see where I could have prevented it (container double bagged in butterfly cgaes), but not worth the effort at the moment. Maybe later.

I'd love to feed them a variety (and larger prey), it's just not feasible for me and my army.

I think carolina.com sells them. You're going to pay a good sum for butterflies. It isn't really a must though. Feed your flies a good diet and you will be fine .


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