One of the males I caught molted to adulthood last night and is still green! Whoo! My first green adult Tenodera! Goliath, the big green female, is right behind him! I'll definitely be trying to breed those two if all goes well. He's a beauty! His wings had dried up all wrong so I put some soap on the tip of one and placed the other over it, stuck them together, so they will dry up the rest of the way in that position. They can't reach the tip of their wings with their mouth so it's all good. Then I can just wash it off in a few days and the wings should stay like that. They were all splayed out before. He's a big fella, I remember I didn't even sex him properly when I first found him a couple molts ago, he was so big when I found him, I just assumed he was female! I had named him Lordess, switched it to Lord Ess. He's like 3", as big as my adult female, Cheech. I'll do a measurement later to get the exact length.