I'm sorry to hear that you had to freeze her. As adults, I see mine drink more than any other adult species. I try to give them a good drink now and then. I wish we had chatted more about their care.
Lately I think everything has been going crazy
All the Luna females r gone and attracted no males and I didn't get any eggs (1 is sterile)
Neither cecropia attracted males yet
I feel bad since like 7 members wanted these from me (with 4 females I expected at least 1 to lay eggs)
Most of the relig hatchlings r dead
But I think the air conditioner is to blame partially
I got her Friday and the humidity in my Insectorium wuz 80% (it had been all month thank god my blephs were ok lol)
Then Saturday my mom kicks the ac on and it drops to 50%
And I haven't slept yet the only reason I am here is cause I had to retrieve the moths, and the sun is rising
The lesson is make sure u know how to care for something before u get it, no matter how much u think u know abt it
Nobody ever said in any topic "phyllovates r very thirsty", and typically before getting anything (especially from yen lol) I ask all these rediculous questions
But it's better to question than assume (even if peeps get annoyed with it, better than not knowing and risking it)
Well, that's all folks, going to sleep for a few hours