So, after having 90% of the mantids that I kept from the egg sack die due to molting issues and a very small number of cannibalism incidents, i have (had) 7 left. I gave one to my Dad, which molted again and is doing ok. Then 4 of my 6 molted, with one death, one handicap, and two fine. My wife goes over to take a look this evening, and you know what she found? A STUPID LADYBUG CHOWING DOWN ON THE ABDOMEN OF THE MANTIS THAT JUST MOLTED CLEAN! I forgot the lady bug was in there, and apparently they will eat just about anything. I got the mantis out, with the ladybug riding bareback on the abdomen eating, I assume, then I quickly got the lady bug off. The mantis looks really weak, and there is a small wound on the abdomen which appears very thin and "sucked clean". Can a ladybug do this?? Is there anything I can do to help the mantis? Help!!!!!