Chatting with AI about mantids.


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May 18, 2018
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Got really bored today and decided to talk to AI about mantids. šŸ˜‚ She mentions the forum.

Wanna talk about mantids? :)

Absolutely, mantids are fascinating creatures! They belong to the family Mantidae and are known for their unique hunting style and ā€œprayingā€ stance. There are about 2,000 species of mantids, and they can be found in both tropical and subtropical regions around the world12.

Mantids have a distinctive appearance with their elongated bodies, triangular heads, and bulging eyes on flexible necks. Their front legs are especially interesting; they have enlarged femurs with a groove lined with spines where the tibia presses in. This adaptation allows them to effectively grasp and hold onto their prey1.

These insects are primarily ambush predators, using their excellent camouflage to blend in with their surroundings and surprise unsuspecting victims. Some species can even resemble flowers or leaves, making them nearly invisible in their natural habitat1.

The praying mantis is also known for the phenomenon of sexual cannibalism, where the female sometimes eats the male after mating. This behavior, along with their enigmatic stance, has led to various myths and legends throughout history, with some cultures regarding them as having supernatural powers2.

Is there something specific about mantids that interests you or any particular aspect youā€™d like to know more about? :)

How long can a mantis live?

The lifespan of a mantis varies depending on the species and environmental conditions. In general, smaller mantis species may live for about 4 to 8 weeks, while larger species can have a lifespan of 4 to 6 months in the wild. In captivity, where they are protected from predators and have a steady food supply, mantises can live up to two years1. Factors such as species, size, and availability of food play a significant role in determining their lifespan12. Would you like to know more about their life cycle or how to care for them if kept as pets?

What would be a good species for a beginner?

For beginners interested in keeping a praying mantis as a pet, there are several species that are recommended due to their hardiness and ease of care. Here are a few good options:

Chinese Praying Mantis (Tenodera sinensis): Known for being easy to care for, calm, and easy to handle. They can become quite large and do not require much special care1.

African Praying Mantis (Sphodromantis lineola): Another great option for beginners, they are also easy to care for and can be handled easily1.

Budwing Praying Mantis (Parasphendale affinis or P. argrionina): These species are suitable for beginners and are regularly found in the pet trade1.

European Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa): A classic choice thatā€™s widely available and relatively easy to keep1.

Giant Asian Praying Mantis (Hierodula membranacea): This species is larger, making it easier to handle, and it has simple care requirements1.

Ghost Praying Mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa): Known for its unique appearance and is a good beginner species due to its ease of care1.

Giant Shield Praying Mantis (Rhombodera sp.): While larger, this species is also recommended for beginners1.

These species are generally more forgiving in terms of environmental conditions and have a diet that is easy to accommodate. They are also less sensitive and have a calm demeanor, making them ideal for someone new to mantis care. Remember, itā€™s important to research the specific care requirements for the species you choose to ensure you can provide a suitable environment for your new pet. Would you like to know more about how to care for these mantises?

What is your favorite?

As an AI, I donā€™t have personal preferences or feelings, so I donā€™t have a favorite mantis species. However, I can provide information based on what is commonly preferred by mantis enthusiasts. Many beginners start with the Chinese Praying Mantis due to its hardiness and ease of care. Itā€™s also quite fascinating to observe because of its size and the way it interacts with its environment. If youā€™re looking for a species with a unique appearance, the Ghost Praying Mantis is often appreciated for its leaf-like look. Ultimately, the best species for you will depend on your interest in their appearance, behavior, and care requirements. šŸ˜Š

What were the supernatural powers?

The supernatural powers often attributed to mantises in folklore and mythology are quite intriguing. They are usually seen as symbols of spiritualism and foresight. In some cultures, mantises are believed to have the ability to guide lost travelers to safety. They are also thought to possess a deep connection with the spiritual world, granting them the power to see into the future and past, and to move between the physical and spiritual realms.

In African folklore, the mantis was thought to bring good luck and was considered a god in San mythology. The mantis was believed to be a trickster god, capable of changing its shape and often engaging in mischievous behavior.

In Chinese culture, the mantis is a symbol of courage and fearlessness, admired for its predatory skills, and is often used in martial arts as inspiration for certain fighting styles, which mimic its movements and precision.

These beliefs highlight the mantis as a creature with extraordinary abilities, transcending the ordinary and connecting to the mystical aspects of nature. Itā€™s fascinating how such a small insect can inspire such grand ideas and beliefs across different cultures. šŸ˜Š

Are there any good online communities for mantis enthusiasts?

Certainly! There are several online communities where mantis enthusiasts can connect, share experiences, and learn from each other. Here are a few you might find helpful:

Mantid Forum: A dedicated forum for mantis pet and breeding discussions, including general care, health issues, breeding advice, and classifieds for buying and selling mantids1.

Praying Mantis Pets & Breeding - Facebook Group: A private Facebook group that serves as a hub for mantis enthusiasts to discuss care, breeding techniques, and admire the beauty of these insects2.

Mantis HQ on DISBOARD: A Discord server that offers a marketplace section, species-specific care sheets, and advice from seasoned keepers3.

These platforms are great for connecting with fellow hobbyists and experts who can offer valuable insights into mantis care and breeding. Enjoy exploring these communities! šŸ˜Š
Very true. So it does make sense it would reference this forum. But I still find it creepy and do not like AI LOL.
Iā€™ve never really liked it, ChatGPTā€™s are a little cool if you ignore the fact that at is creating scary Iā€™ll realistic videos and art, its really sad how itā€™s discouraging many artists, young and old. The future is scaring me kind of. But a lot of it could be fear mongering, Iā€™m a very paranoid and anxious person LOL
Iā€™ve never really liked it, ChatGPTā€™s are a little cool if you ignore the fact that at is creating scary Iā€™ll realistic videos and art, its really sad how itā€™s discouraging many artists, young and old. The future is scaring me kind of. But a lot of it could be fear mongering, Iā€™m a very paranoid and anxious person LOL
I heard some AI generated pop songs. They were better than Taylor Swift. Granted, that's setting the bar pretty low.
Iā€™ve never really liked it, ChatGPTā€™s are a little cool if you ignore the fact that at is creating scary Iā€™ll realistic videos and art, its really sad how itā€™s discouraging many artists, young and old. The future is scaring me kind of. But a lot of it could be fear mongering, Iā€™m a very paranoid and anxious person LOL
I used AI last Christmas to create an image for a holiday Instagram post. I asked for a green praying mantis wearing a Santa hat and eating a fly... here's what it created in under 30 secs. Pretty wild.


  • _4e130463-6a30-4252-97c6-11fca2f39dd7.jpeg
    196.4 KB · Views: 0
I used AI last Christmas to create an image for a holiday Instagram post. I asked for a green praying mantis wearing a Santa hat and eating a fly... here's what it created in under 30 secs. Pretty wild.
Yeah, itā€™s freaky. But for recreational use, and if you arenā€™t using it to post really, I think that its fun!
Yeah, itā€™s freaky. But for recreational use, and if you arenā€™t using it to post really, I think that its fun!
I'm hoping all AI generated art or video will be watermarked as such in the near future. I made a point of disclosing how it was created when I posted it. I have no artistic abilities. šŸ˜€
its surprising that it mentioned this forum, but i also wasnt expecting to see mantis hq on there, its a big server but i dont really see people talking about it, i discovered it completely by accident
I agree, AI art should be identified as such.

Ideally, AI works in support of workers, as a collaborative tool.

Asked ChatGPT about mango cultivars. It was not up to date. I taught it a bit, wonder if the next person gets a more informed AI?