Can roaches eat strawberries?


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2016
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
I have a ton of strawberries from the garden. So I was wondering can Red Runner Roaches eat Strawberries? Is there anything in them that would be harmful to them or mantises?
LOL already did that I have 3 containers full of strawberries in the freezer. Lots and lots of strawberries! I would just feed the older strawberries if they are ok to feed roaches.
How do you keep birds and squirrels from eating them all???
LOL I don't. The squirrels love them and I have even seen them carrying whole strawberries away. And some strawberries have squirrel tooth marks in them still on the plants lol. There is just enough from the plants that its ok a few are taken. The birds don't seem to get them too much, at least that I have seen.
And yes they are definitely cleaner then store bought ones.