To beat A dead horse agian


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[SIZE=14pt]A Note to anyone liveing in Colorado I know this we can only keep up to 3 native to our state, Like if I was going to keep A pair of Western Hognose and they had babys I would be breaking the law here in Co unless I had a license to breed but I could not sell them to anyone here in Co or a state that the same dum law. Then if I would have shiped them here then I could get a biger fine and could get some time, or had a breeder ship them to me then we both would have a fine and I still could get time "that is if they wanted to show other keepers what they could do to them to" thats on native exotic pets in Co "true natives" not inports.[/SIZE]
Yeah, ArkBlue, a colour change might be in order... i have to highlight your text before i can even look at it ( it burns, oh my EYES!!)

and you might want to keep in mind that "the law" and "the right thing" are not always one and the same. sometimes its just a matter of precautions taken by a 'caring' ;) government for their particularly retarded average population (us sheep, baaaaa...).

turn on, tune in and drop out, ey? ;)

[SIZE=14pt]I sorry S.freak I cant be a sheep it just not in me, and I have'nt got any sand for my head "ha ha", my point is and always is if your scard then do something about it change the law. By the way S.freak do you have any beardies? Ps I like water and the blue is calming 4 me :wacko: and is easy on my eyes idk why it just is "and I am in the blue skin".[/SIZE]
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Ark, your color is fine for me and I am on IP Board Pro.

Please keep this on topic.

[SIZE=14pt]A Note to anyone liveing in Colorado I know this we can only keep up to 3 native to our state, Like if I was going to keep A pair of Western Hognose and they had babys I would be breaking the law here in Co unless I had a license to breed but I could not sell them to anyone here in Co or a state that the same dum law. Then if I would have shiped them here then I could get a biger fine and could get some time, or had a breeder ship them to me then we both would have a fine and I still could get time "that is if they wanted to show other keepers what they could do to them to" thats on native exotic pets in Co "true natives" not inports.[/SIZE]
i once read a picture that said, "just becuase you are unique, doesnt mean your useful" change the color to red for god sakes lol just continuing what others have said, and being a smart&ss in the process ^_^

[SIZE=14pt]So To beat A dead horse again is now all about the color of my tex, and not the tex. Oh may I don't care for the black tex it not 4 me.[/SIZE]

And onto the 2nd the dead horse topic, I have asked one of the two host reps of a reptile expo out here in Colorado about the sell of mantids out here, they have had both's where they have sold them befor so I thought they would know something about this topic, well we will see what she can find out and I will let you know.

Yeah, ArkBlue, a colour change might be in order... i have to highlight your text before i can even look at it ( it burns, oh my EYES!!)and you might want to keep in mind that "the law" and "the right thing" are not always one and the same. sometimes its just a matter of precautions taken by a 'caring' ;) government for their particularly retarded average population (us sheep, baaaaa...).
I couldn't have said any of that better myself Superfreak.

LOL. :lol: I think that my country's government should be more concerned with economics and managing international occupation than my mantids (must stop before I start flaming my own country... <_< I am, whether I like it or not, just another brick in the wall :unsure: )


Well, for any of you from Michigan wondering...

I did call the USDA today. Talked to one of their reps (A friend of mine, he's done presentations at my school etc)

The main thing that the department SHOULD be worried about is illegal importation from other countries. The problem with exotics is you can't prove whether or not you got them from a US breeder. (in the court of law, I suppose)

So, if you can get a permit to breed them, you CAN further distribute/sell them if the permit says so, and people who have acquired them from you can as well.

The question is... does any one here have a permit like this? lol

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Id just keep it. who cares unless there was like a $3463764576347347 find. but thats me

As far as I know no one here has one but people have tried and where unable to get one.
I again asked the museum staff for Bugfest if I can bring any exotics. Even one. They told me sure as long as I had the proper permits. <_<

[SIZE=14pt]Wow my post keep going and going any who, I look into to sell @ the rep show out here and also the lady that runs it looked into it and she said that she didnt find anything to stop us from selling any, also there is a rep dude that work for the state he takes rep that cant be keeped out here and I belive she talked to him also. But then there also is a guy that sell mantids there also @ time and he just told me that he was going to try to sell some @ the next show comeing up.[/SIZE]

are the staff even informed enough to know which are exotics? say your dog ate your permit.
It's not them that is the concern. It is the USDA people who roam the event looking for illegal activity.

They mostly look for insects like phasmids though.
Probably but there is a reason they told them to tell me no. The first year they came by and I had them figured out pretty quick. Lots of questions about what else I had at home. <_<


All reptile show are vsited and inspected by Fish and Wildlife not USDA, unless is an "INSECT SHOW" like the one in LA CA. where USDA is a participant of the event.


