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  1. P

    Atlas moths anyone?

    Howdy, just wondering if anyone here had experience with the various large atlas's? Just ordered 5 cocoons and have only kept two before and it was years ago, any tips on keeping them nice and healthy please? Cheers, Dave
  2. P

    Leopard Tortoises

    Hi all. Well, in brief, a friend of mine has had two adult female leopard tortoises (still young and also many other species) for a few years now and had been looking for a male the same ages as them for much of that time. Anybody who deals with tortoises particularly this species knows how...
  3. P

    Gladiator PW Nymph...

    Meet Zeus... :)
  4. P

    Anyone interested in 'Cryptozoology'?

    Hi all, I know the pic is a fake by the way, lol, just found it clever/funny. However, my interest in the (for want of a better word) paranormal creatures of the world is a strong one. If anyone is actually interested in the subject then reply here, what do you 'believe in'? Do you think that...
  5. P

    Daves Sub-adult Corns. (Dialup beware)

    Hi all, just been going through my snake pics and decided to post some of them. The Anery (black and white) is female, which is going to be mated to the Caramel (yellow) male in the spring. Both are 'het for amel', which means if all else fails I should at least get some amelanistics, you...
  6. P

    C.briareus hatching

    I've got lot's more Ctenomorphodes briareus eggs hatching at the moment, this time i was there to do a little macro video of one trying to drag his/her legs out of the egg, he/she made it of course :) Here's a still from the video.
  7. P

    UK Native reptiles...

    Hi all, Just wondering if any other UK'ers regularly see our native reptiles? I'm quite lucky in the fact that my area seems hot for all of them and I've managed to find at least one specimen of any given species every year so far (obviously not to keep) and given the status of some of the...
  8. P

    Post a piccie......

    Howdy y'all, thought i'd kick things off with a little picture of my B.bohemi eating her dinner, 'Brown cricket - ala Dave'. I'm particularly keen on seeing anyones Grammostola's or Avicularia's :)
  9. P

    You looking at me?

    You gotta love the attitude...
  10. P

    Wow, even in this weather...

    Raining really hard all day today, due to a fruitfly shortage i decided to 'rig up a trap'. Put a couple of pieces of orange in a yogurt pot, covered it in mesh and put it outside under some shelter, sure enough, about a dozen little flys and some odd looking thing, will soon find out if the...
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    Nile monitor

    I've just been given a 'rescued' nile monitor baby. It is FAT beyond all belief! It is only a year old, such a shame to see it in this state. I don't like being given animals to look after when they're in such a mess due to the fact that i honestly dont think this guys going to pull through...
  12. P


    Hi all, Who was in chat last night whilst I was depressed about my last gravid Pseudocreabotre wahlbergii dying? Well, her legacy lives on my friends... Her second ooth is hatching as i type this. About 25 so far, one little dead guy who didnt make it out of the ooth completely, and a few...
  13. P

    Like a kid again

    Well, I don't know if anyone will be interested, but i'm gonna post about it anyway, hehe. It's been a long time, many years, since I went on a little walk/explore, just for the sake of it. I wasn't just doing this randomly today though, I was on a mission. I've seen countless species of...
  14. P

    Another newcomer to the PseudoDave household

    Hi all, I may as well introduce you all to one of my other favourite animals. I have kept and bred corn snakes (Elaphe guttata guttata) for many years now and today I got another little fella to add to my breeding lines in a couple of years. He is a 'Bubblegum Snow corn', het for many other...
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    More new arrivals

    I love this time of year :D I've got many P.affinis nymphs from all the ooths that were produced, but nothing could prepare me for what I was going to see this morning. One of my 12 P.aeruginosa ooths hatched and there must be at least 400 nymphs running around like crazy, brilliant...
  16. P

    Ctenomorphodes briareus

    Hi all, I've had a pair of C.briareus for some time now, since the adult female mated and started producing eggs, there have been hundreds. Nymphs from the first batches of eggs are already hatching but every day since the originals were laid, more have been as well. My question is to anyone...
  17. P

    Ctenomorphodes briareus ova for exchange

    Offering eggs of Ctenomorphodes briareus for exchange, open to offers of either mantis ootheca or stick insect ova. Interesting, large species of stick insect. Feeds well on plants such as bramble, oak, rose, rasberry, euclyptus. Males are slightly smaller with greater wing formation. Both...
  18. P

    Giant Prickly

    I have my last 10 Extatosoma tiaratum eggs left over for exchange of any interesting species of Stick/Leaf insect eggs or Mantis nymph/ootheca. Thank you. Dave
  19. P

    Leaving a pair of P.wahlbergii together

    Hi all. Earlier today I placed my female pw in with the male. The female has walked around a little and is now resting on the side of the tank, the male has not taken his eyes off of her but has stayed absolutely motionless for 3 hours now. Should this carry on into the night, do you think I...