Aluine - Sphodromantis lineola


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You can remove it or just leave it there. When I get infertile oothecae, I will just throw it in with my feeder roaches(dubias and hissers) . They absolutely love them and I think they make for a nutritious gutload.

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You can remove it or just leave it there. When I get infertile oothecae, I will just throw it in with my feeder roaches(dubias and hissers) . They absolutely love them and I think they make for a nutritious gutload.
May I keep it, as I kept her last molt ?

Here is the video, the link before didn't worked :

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She is not fed as much as she wants, she gets one (normal size) critter each two days ;)
My mistake, sorry. She was just ready!

Sure you can keep the ooth, like the shed skin. I don't know if you have to do anything special to preserve it (it's full of infertile eggs).

Huhu :blush:



Gosh, I love her <3
