Breeders! - Metallyticus splendidus


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Germany has M. splendidus and M. fallax in culture for a couple of years. I'm not sure whether Yen has it at the moment but if any Metallyticus sp. were to be in culture in the US, Yen should be the one to stabilize it.

I know Lars Einfeld had them, but that was around summer time, but i bet he still has them, but hes in germany.

I know Lars Einfeld had them, but that was around summer time, but i bet he still has them, but hes in germany.
He does have them but they're his breeding stock and he's not selling any for now. Christian sells his but I don't think he'll ship overseas.


Metallicus sp has been here in the US before, not sure of any breeding attemps.

I think we should try to breed our M maya so we can get an understanding as what Metalliticus sp required as they are somewhat similar.


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I no, Christian, here in the forum have got Metallyticus fallax and Metallyticus spledius.

I think he have got some M.spledius in L2 or L3.


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I have ooths here in the us of both will keep you all posted on hatches :) you must have firebrats and or springtails to feed as they are to small to feed f flys :)

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I have ooths here in the us of both will keep you all posted on hatches :) you must have firebrats and or springtails to feed as they are to small to feed f flys :)
Wow they must be pretty small. How big are they once they reach adult?

I have ooths here in the us of both will keep you all posted on hatches :) you must have firebrats and or springtails to feed as they are to small to feed f flys :)
Where do you purchase firebrats and springtails?

metals seem more like beetles than mantids from what I've seen on youtube.
