Caring for ghost mantis ooths


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levi sherman

Active member
Feb 1, 2017
Reaction score
So I’ve been in and out of raising mantids for a while now. And I always struggled with ooths. They either never hatch or mold. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I place them on the lid facing downward. I use a 32 oz deli cup with a decent amount of ventilation. I keep wet paper towel at the bottom and mist the inside of the cup, being sure not to spray the ooth. Anyone have any tips?
Where do you live?
I live in San Diego, CA. I incubate my ghost ooths in a 32 oz deli container with a little coir and/or sphagnum moss at the bottom.
I spray the moss or coir weekly.

I think you are over spraying. Do you keep a hydrometer in the container?

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