Do mantids shake to mimic leaves?


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Jul 29, 2012
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I've kept a few mantids before, and I've noticed that a lot of them shake or rock back and forth when something moves or there is a gust of wind. Has anyone seen this behavior before too? And do you think this is because they're trying to mimic the shaking motion of a leaf when it is blown by the wind?


the shake-when-wind-blows is to mimic a leaf. the shake-when-food-comes is to gauge distance. some will only move when there is a gust of wind or when there is food nearby.

Wow, that's really cool. I always knew that they shook while stalking prey, but I never knew that was for determining distance. Nature is very clever.... :p

Thanks guys!

I've noticed that my ghosts do this when they see each other. They stare at each other and alternate abdominal pumps. Almost like they're communicating. Any thoughts on this?

They do this to gauge distance, communicate with each other, and mimic leaves.

And if you didn't notice.. all I did was jack other people's responses. ;-D

I believe that is one reason. As was mentioned research also says another reason is to better judge distance.

Popa spurca?
Hahaha, nope, not that particular species but I've had a number that have been determined to be the best twig they can be.

I got a really good laugh from that response... I should get out more :p
Getting out more would allow you to better study twigs. My mantises assure me there is nothing like seeing a twig in person to better inspire one into chasing the epic dream that is becoming one with the twig.
I agree with all of the above but it seems like my ghosts use that to identify themselves so they dont eat their own kind.

yes, i think its only with some species. when had i chinese mantis they rarely shake but my ghost "shake it like a poloroid picture". i think its more common with species that are trying to mimic leaves.

yes, i think its only with some species. when had i chinese mantis they rarely shake but my ghost "shake it like a poloroid picture". i think its more common with species that are trying to mimic leaves.
Lol... mine drop it low like a booty shaking contest :D

Im only shake when i have music on. They like to dance, lol.
