Feeding an L2 spiny flower


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2017
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United States
So I just got my spiny flower nymph yesterday, and I'm realizing that I'm not 100% certain how much to feed it! I've seen a lot of conflicting information online, so I'm asking here. In the past 24 hours he's had four wingless fruit flies- three last night and one just now. I'm keeping him in the 32oz deli cup sold at mantisplace, with a cloth lid. Even though I hear people saying to just leave the feeders in, I've been putting him and the flies on the lid one by one. Is this an appropriate way to feed the lil guy? And should I have fed him more?

3-4 fruit flies a day, or 6-8 every 2 or 3 days is about what I feed per nymph. I would just pour 6-10 flies into the deli cup with the nymph every 2 to 3 days, and let the mantis eat them at it's leisure. That is a lot easier than hand feeding her them one at a time.

@Sarah K aaah okay! I might just do that in the future. I just worry he'll have trouble finding enough, he doesn't seem to like leaving the lid and the fake plant I put in for climbing space has a lot of nooks n crannies. I'll just keep an eye on him :^p thanks!!

I feed based on how fat their abdomen looks. :)  If they're not looking too fat, I give them as much as they will eat. 

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