ghost mantis


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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2010
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i have L5 through L6 ghost mantis and i wanted to know if they can eat crickets over the winter.(i wil hand feed them if nessary)

They can. Some people do say that cricket-fed females of mantids that eat flying insects produce infertile ooths, though. Mainly when they say this they are talking about the species that are really specialized for flying food (e.g. gongylus).

will the eggs still be fertile because they will be moulting in the next 2 weeks or so so about a week or so after the male moults into sub-adult i hope to be mating them

The first mantids that I mated were ghosts from MantisPlace. They were fed on crix almost exclusively and laid fertile eggs.

However, it is so easy to buy pupae (or raise your own. one of my babies is smiling at me as i write this!!) that it is a very good idea to have some for mantids that normally feed on flying insects. They are certainly easier to care for and feed than crix.
