Ghost's First Meal


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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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I had my first ooth hatch during the night last night. I didn't know I was supposed to wait a couple of days before feeding them. Has anyone ever had a problem with feeding them too early? They all seem to be fine. I honestly don't think I've lost a single one of them yet. This guy ate this fruit fly fairly quickly.


Great photo!

Some nymphs will eat the same day they hatch. No adverse effects that I'm aware of.

Thanks. Here's another from right after I turned on the lights this morning. I already had the blue paper leaned against the aquarium and my camera was still all set up and ready to go sitting next to it, so it really was just a quick snap. I thought it looked cute though. ;)


The hatchlings are SO CUTE! Ahh! I love the big head on the tiny body. :wub: Great pictures and great camera.

Canon 100mm macro with 36mm extension tube. Would sure like to at least test drive an MP-E someday though.

I tested the MP-E a few weeks ago. Rented from Good site, by the way. To my eye it is unremarkable until you get down to 4x or more. Definitely better contrast and DoF. I'd say at 4x and beyond f16 on the MP-E is equivalent to f22 or higher on the EF100. I get just about as close with my combination of add-ons and extensions and rarely go past around 3.5x so I can't justify the expense. Plus I have the added versatility of going above 1:1 for landscapes, etc. with my current rig. All in all it was well worth the $60 to demystify its capabilities. If I ever start making any money with photography I'll pick one up for sure.
