Help building 2 terrariums!


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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2009
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After checking out Tonys perfect massive enclousure for ONE nymph I felt terrible about having mine in plastic houses with no decoration, so I just decided I want to build a massive terrarium for the 80 sphodromantis lineolas and another one for the pseudovrates peruvianas.

My problem is, BOTH of the species I got are very agressive, and I was also considering the option of building then from zero so I can have enough time for sexing them -they were all born on the 4th, 5th and 6th of june and some of them are already L2 since yesterday- ; separating them and making 4 massive terrariums for them, well at least 2 massive for the lineolas and 2 smaller ones for the 20 peruvianas.

Any Ideas? Is this even possible to make them all live together divided by species and by sex? Or should I try making 100 smaller terrariums... like the ones that spiders breeders have (just larger for the mantis, but with the same idea... all living by separate)


ive had 10 S. limbatas live together in a highly decorative 12x12x6 hexigonal tank, BUT!!!! there was always WAY to much food in it and they tank was literally full of vines with leaves on them. i made it so they couldnt find eath other lol. i personally think if you just doing it for a hobby even if cannabalizism occurs if you have a huge tank they will eat each other until there comfortable. thats what mine did, also realize i didnt divid the sexes. My expieriment stops at L6 because thats when i sold 6 and gave 2 away and seperated the male and female. They live together anywaz in the wild and i think its possible with enough foilage and decoration.

The only diference is that in nature they have enough space :p and well I have 80 lineolas and 11 peruvianas so maybe depending on how many males and females I have is how Im going to end up separating them. I might only choose some and then give away the other ones, cannibalism is kinda cruel considering having them is already kinda cruel lol

do you know when I could start sexing them?

you CAN do it 2 weeks after adulthood, but its highly recommended to wait till one month passes, also something i noticed is that they mature at the same time if kept together, but seperated they tend to age way different, i gave my bro one at L2-3 and his is only at L4-5 not even a sub-adult yet and the ones i kept together are both 3 weeks adult. I KNOW! wierd... i would also just say if you do want to keep same sexes together you might as well as let them cannibalize. its going to happen if you keep 4 or 80 together if you tell nature take its course they WILL be comfortable with each other and the turrian, which when they get to mating the male will know where to hide when finished. other than feeding, a care free way to keep and mate ^_^ . good luck with whatever you choose lil lady!

:) Thanks so much!, well im going to buy a 60 liter aquarium and turn it into a terrarium, my dad is going to help me out finding someone to make the top of the terrarium or just helping me to make it so we could spend some time together , and well, I just need some fake plants and stuff to add and decorate the babies new home... I wish I could sex them though... I dont want all the male to just dissapear... :S and well as I live in Mexico the only breeders that are here sell each nymph really expensive and not even from weird or pretty mantis... I think its way more exciting to buy the ooth and just see how everything develps instead of just buying the nymphs :p
yeah lol its way fun, just know that until L5 or L6 there going to be the same size, so each sex will each eat each other the same lol, well i only have boxer mantis ooths, i can try to send it to you but customs may not let it and the species i have is inexpensive! if your keeping alot of canabalistic species together remember you need alot of decor in it!

oh that would be awesome!!! We just need to fix how to make it work :)

Oh I was thinking about separating them by species, after all, the peruvianas live in a somewhat dry dessert looking place and the lineolas live in the jungle :p


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