Housing Conditions and Molting


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Active member
Sep 4, 2023
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Portland, OR
Hi, I am currently caring for a Chinese male sub-adult who unfortunately contracted floppy abdomen after his last molt, I have arranged his enclosure so that he cannot hang directly upside-down but he still finds ways to position himself so that his abdomen flops. Despite this, he seems to be doing okay. My only worry, however, is possible molting complications in the future. since he cannot molt without hanging to some degree, how is going to molt successfully without his floppy abdomen causing complications? any advice is gratefully appreciated.
Mine do that a lot, it won't hurt it. My last girl was adult and lived quite awhile. She just died last week. She was not mated or laid ooths, but she was adult for quite a few months with no problems.
Mantises will unfortunately try to hang upside down even if it's not good for them lol. But he should be fine and like you said does need to be able to hang when molting. And there is hope as I have had floppy abdomen fixed sometimes in their next molt. He's floppy abdomen doesn't appear too bad so when he molts to adult he should be fine. There is a chance the final molt could go badly but its unlikely in the final molt. Best of luck to your little male Chinese.