How I make fruit fly medium!


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Thank you! :)

I agree.... ;)

I really like the instructional post you did. Very Pro. I have the ff culture from the stores, but you still have to add the yeast and water, so whats the point, the only extra to making it yourself is the honey or sugar and vinegar. That's why I rather make my own, I never run out and have to order and pay shipping, I just set it up and make it. I really did not save any time by trying to use the commercial mix. But as I always say, DSFDF!
Are you talking about house flies? If so, Then I would say that you could add the vinegar & honey to the dog food. Then add some water.... I'll have to give this a try.

How about regular fly mediums?
honey or sugar and vinegar
If I'm understanding this correctly, the honey does add sweetness but it's primary use is as a fungicide, that is, to help keep the medium from molding; the vinegar also does that. The sugar would feed mold spores.

Thanks to the OP, very comprehensive instructions. I was looking for something like this. The specialty corn flour is likely going to be more commonly available in areas where many Latinos have settled. I'm going to try using a corn flour or meal that is available locally.

Thank you!

Yes, you are correct. I only add honey & vinegar to the medium, I cannot say what the sugar will do? I know that the apple sauce in it's self has a lot of sweetness to it. I use the honey as a sweetener / Fungicide, Two in one deal... :) ! The Corn flour & meal should work as well. Let me know what happens?

Thanks Mikhail

honey or sugar and vinegar
If I'm understanding this correctly, the honey does add sweetness but it's primary use is as a fungicide, that is, to help keep the medium from molding; the vinegar also does that. The sugar would feed mold spores.

Thanks to the OP, very comprehensive instructions. I was looking for something like this. The specialty corn flour is likely going to be more commonly available in areas where many Latinos have settled. I'm going to try using a corn flour or meal that is available locally.
Mikhail: I am now giving your fly culture technique a try. It is interesting to see how the initial flies find the medium, if there is not a clear path to the "good stuff".

It looks like sugar works then! :) The Yeast feeds off the apple sauce & honey, In the medium I use.

I add sugar to my stuff to feed the yeast and haven't had mold problems.
Very true! Hopefully this will do it for your flies ;) ..... I know my flies think so...

Let me know how it goes? :)

Mikhail: I am now giving your fly culture technique a try. It is interesting to see how the initial flies find the medium, if there is not a clear path to the "good stuff".
Mikhail: I am experiencing this: After making up the medium as you say, then introduce the flies. my flies are dying after just a few hours in the container. What are you seeing as far as the activity of the flies after they have found the medium? Are they living for days? What am I doing wrong. I tried a second set of five or six flies and the same thing is observed.

Yours truly,

Rich Sekerman in

Carson, CA

Mine hav been in for a couple days and they are all fine, another thing i like about this is that when the flies walk on the medium they dont get stuck at all and it stays gooey :D

Hmm? Are you adding the right stuff? Maybe you should add just a little less of the apple sauce, Or more coffee filters? The flies live for many days on this medium.... It must look & be a little thick when mixing the medium. Add some more flies too.


I just made some medium today & had no problem with the medium. Add no more or less of what I have said to use. ;)

Mikhail: I am experiencing this: After making up the medium as you say, then introduce the flies. my flies are dying after just a few hours in the container. What are you seeing as far as the activity of the flies after they have found the medium? Are they living for days? What am I doing wrong. I tried a second set of five or six flies and the same thing is observed. Yours truly,

Rich Sekerman in

Carson, CA
Great! I agree, This is one reason I love this medium... Sounds like you mixed it right. :)

Mine hav been in for a couple days and they are all fine, another thing i like about this is that when the flies walk on the medium they dont get stuck at all and it stays gooey :D
I have a question: How much yeast do you use? The picture you posted has the small, 7g packet… is this how much you use per culture? Also, do you just sprinkle the yeast on top of the medium?

Thanks. =)

Yes, Add the dry yeast strait to the medium. Cover the top with a light sprinkle of yeast, So that the little granules are all over the top, But still you should see the medium through the yeast. I hope this helps?

I have a question: How much yeast do you use? The picture you posted has the small, 7g packet… is this how much you use per culture? Also, do you just sprinkle the yeast on top of the medium?Thanks. =)