How long can a green anole go without a UV light?


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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
I am getting a green anole or two soon. I ordered UV bulbs on Amazon, but they won't arrive until the 25th. I won't get the anole(s) for a few days. Will they be able to make it safely until the 25th without UV? 

Though I may be somewhat experienced with mantids, when it comes to reptiles I know next to nothing! Thanks!

- MantisGirl13

As long as your other things (heat/water/humidity/food) are okay they should be alright for a bit. I would say anything longer than 2 weeks would be too long though.

They do require general light to go about their day to day lives though, they are a primarily diurnal species which rely on sight to hunt. So the room they are in will need to be well lit in the day time, if there is daylight coming in a window that would be great. You can even turn the enclosure to face the window, just dont place it directly in front of the windows as too much can overheat vivs. 

As long as your other things (heat/water/humidity/food) are okay they should be alright for a bit. I would say anything longer than 2 weeks would be too long though.

They do require general light to go about their day to day lives though, they are a primarily diurnal species which rely on sight to hunt. So the room they are in will need to be well lit in the day time, if there is daylight coming in a window that would be great. You can even turn the enclosure to face the window, just dont place it directly in front of the windows as too much can overheat vivs. 
Ok, thanks! I have heat, humidity, water, food, and calcium supplement. I can leave the light on in my room or put them near the window (no risk of overheating because it's winter and the tank has a screen top.) Thank you so much for your help!

- MantisGirl13

Near the window would help in that circumstance and they should be okay until you can get your uv set up. They aren't very big so are quite sensitive to changes in their environment so just watch out for too cold or too hot.

Ok. Our windows block out all UVB rays, and some UVA rays, but there is still some UVA that gets in, so they will at least have some UV when the sun shines in directly.

- MantisGirl13

It's not uv from the daylight so much as a day/night cycle. They'll just have to make do without uv until you get your bulb. Good luck, they are fun little lizards to keep.

Ok! I am looking forward to getting it! Thank you so much for your help!

- MantisGirl13

Sorry I didn't post earlier! I got two unsexed juvenile green anoles on Thursday. they are so cute! One of them isn't eating so I'm a little worried.


Here is one of them just fooling around:


I'm in love! ❤

- MantisGirl13

Ya! They eat crix, mealworms, worms, roaches, grasshoppers, etc.

- MantisGirl13


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