How long does it usually take to receive a mantis you ordered?


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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2018
Reaction score
Southern California
Hi everyone!

I am worried that I am overreacting. What is a good time fame from when I ordered a mantis to when I receive it?

Thanks everyone!

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Sorry all but I only just realized that it's really poor form of me to put that up when I haven't yet resolved the issue with the seller. I should give them the chance to respond to my inquiry before airing dirty laundry. But since it is Friday and they are in a different timezome, I know I won't hear from them until next week.

I tried to delete the post but I couldn't figure out how so instead I deleted most of the entry.

Again, sorry about this!

@ladyarcana55 When you decide to post about the deal, check out the Breeder Feedback section. You'll probably see your dealer's name and reviews. You'll get much more help and visibility there. It's also a good section to check out before you buy. Your feedback helps everyone. Good breeders usually fulfill an order within 7 days or will let you know that there will be a delay due to weather or instar of mantis. Sometimes a delay is unavoidable and good breeders want to make sure your mantis is healthy when you receive. Waiting a month without good reason and communication is unacceptable in my opinion. ☺️

Many of us can probably guess who you're talking about. ? Hope you get it resolved and get your mantis. I know how you feel... it can be very disappointing. Good luck.

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Depends. For me it took well over a month due to heat issues, but as it stands now, a week or two is my guess. 

@Synapze, I didn't even realize there was a section on Breeder Feedback! I wish I had known, I would have done more research. I really should explore the forums more. Although, I am a bit embarassed, I should have thought to look here. It makes sense that there would be one here.

I felt so bad about even creating the post! I let my emotions get the better of me and I hate it when private issues are brought out to the public arena. But, I have to admit, I am worried. If my L2s were shipped when they said they were, then I am definitely getting a couple of dead ants by now. (And I am hoping this is still a valid joke. I've heard nymphs look like ants. Please correct me if I am wrong.)

And before I forget, thank you so much for the response. I felt so embarassed and so bad! You made me feel so much better.

Thanks again!

Dont feel bad. It takes a while to explore this site but once you do its really cool.

I hope you will get them safely. .I just ordered one mantis myself.

I decided to go ahead and move on with someone else. It's been three weeks and I already told them that if I didn't get them by Friday I would ask for a refund. I'll wait until Friday but I'm not holding my breath.

Anyway, this would be the second time I have ever kept a mantis and the first time I've had to keep one at an L2. The first one was an L5 when I got him. The reason why I went with Heirodula Venosas was because I had heard they are good beginner mantids. Where, on the boards, can I go to find other good beginners? Are Giant Shield Mantids good beginners?

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Depends on what shipping method. If I order Express mail I expect it the next day. If I order Priority mail I expect in two days. That said, Priority mail can take three days to some locations. A good seller will send a tracking number. 

Thank you Rick! I was beginning to wonder if I was being unreasonable.

This is actually Week 3 for me. I got another email from the seller saying that they are catching up on their orders. If that was the case then why not just tell me? Anyway, I asked for a tracking number and I'm just going to wait. I said Friday and I'll wait.

In the meantime I have three empty enclosures that have been waiting for their occupants so I have been going through the Breeder Feedback thread. I love it! There are a  lot more breeders out there than I would have thought. I just wish there was contact information, but that's not a big deal.

Thanks again!

Hi ladyarcana55,

It can be difficult getting mantids, but it should be much easier now that you've found this forum. You are more patient than me, if I dont get a reply within a week, I'd move on to someone else. I am confident I know who you are dealing with too, because he's the only person I've consistently heard about this type of service. I do hope you get your bugs soon after all that waiting. If you see reviews for someone, and can't find them with a simple search, you can always ask on the forum or by private messaging the reviewer.

Good luck and happy mantiding:)

I sent an email pretty much saying 'Either give me my mantids or a refund'

If I don't get a response by end of day, I am assuming I'm getting my money back. But I will be talking to Paypal about my options.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts!

Fastest with me was 3 days, longest 8 days because shipping was slow. Pakkage a 2 days in delivery station or how it is called, before shipped to my country. I had "track and trace" to see where pakkage was in transit. But even after 8 theys the mantids were alive but very hungry. Breeder had told me she would replace any mantis that died, but none did gladly enough.

It's been three weeks and I already told them that if I didn't get them by Friday I would ask for a refund.
you are doing the right thing if you dont hear something from breeder. you payed for a mantis and you should get one.

I am glad that you got your refund. and are some of my favorite sites to buy from. They have great prices, a great selection and they are great people too.

- MantisGirl13
