I am getting an invert I once disliked!


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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Maine, USA
So a couple weeks ago, I made an in-person trade. I received 2 tarantulas for a handful of my older mantids. I was able to view their collection, tarantulas, other spiders, scorpions, vinegaroons, roaches, and hundreds of preserved butterflies, stick insects, spiders, beetles, etc. (he owns a butterfly/insect museum).

I was however awestruck by a creature I never appreciated before (I actually disliked them for the most part). Millipedes! I got to see Giant African Millipedes, and the largest in the US, o_Oratus, desert millipedes. 

He let me hold an A.gigas, an African Giant Millipede. A thousand (not literally, depending on specimen)  tiny legs gently grasped my arm. Totally harmless, and very interesting. Huge animal. I am now loving millipedes...especially the A.gigas. 

I am very happy to say, I should be receiving two A. gigas next week! I can't wait!!!

Indeed congrats on getting some specimens, I know many keepers would give about anything to be able to have some again. They are no longer in the pet trade due to the mites that have a symbiotic relationship with the them. I won't bother asking how you got them, but best of luck. ;)

Indeed congrats on getting some specimens, I know many keepers would give about anything to be able to have some again. They are no longer in the pet trade due to the mites that have a symbiotic relationship with the them. I won't bother asking how you got them, but best of luck. ;)
I will post about how I got them after I receive them next week. No funny business, they aren't being smuggled in illegally or anything. 

Indeed congrats on getting some specimens, I know many keepers would give about anything to be able to have some again. They are no longer in the pet trade due to the mites that have a symbiotic relationship with the them. I won't bother asking how you got them, but best of luck. ;)
That's actually not true. Importation of wild specimens have been banned, but the ones that have already been bred in the US are legal to keep so we still have quite a number of people breeding this species in the US. Also, apparently a company in the US that I can't recall the name of atm have imported some CB stock LEGALLY last year if I remember correctly, and they were selling the specimens for $50 each. Couple of my friends bought these and are having success with them. 

That's actually not true. Importation of wild specimens have been banned, but the ones that have already been bred in the US are legal to keep so we still have quite a number of people breeding this species in the US. Also, apparently a company in the US that I can't recall the name of atm have imported some CB stock LEGALLY last year if I remember correctly, and they were selling the specimens for $50 each. Couple of my friends bought these and are having success with them. 
This is probably where I ordered them. Very reputable. I will share after I receive them. 

I will post about how I got them after I receive them next week. No funny business, they aren't being smuggled in illegally or anything. 
Nice I have to admit getting a hold of such a large milli would be awesome. :D

That's actually not true. Importation of wild specimens have been banned, but the ones that have already been bred in the US are legal to keep so we still have quite a number of people breeding this species in the US. Also, apparently a company in the US that I can't recall the name of atm have imported some CB stock LEGALLY last year if I remember correctly, and they were selling the specimens for $50 each. Couple of my friends bought these and are having success with them. 
Great Alan, more than happy to hear I am wrong. :) Glad to hear you know of some who got them and are doing great. If I can find a few bucks I'll have to see if I can get some myself. :D

Common house millipedes ( Scutigera coleoptrata )  most often send family, neighbors and friends into a state of stark raving madness when these creatures are found scurrying (sometimes at lightning speed) across a floor or wall.  Even bulky, tattooed Harley-riders turn into whimpering girly-men at the sight.  So some time ago, I decided to capture one of these guys and set up a nice house.  The photo here is Scott (a play on "SCUT" igera).  He did fine for a while and took live food readily.  But I released him back into the house since such racehorses like these shouldn't be cooped up.  


Common house millipedes ( Scutigera coleoptrata )  most often send family, neighbors and friends into a state of stark raving madness when these creatures are found scurrying (sometimes at lightning speed) across a floor or wall.  Even bulky, tattooed Harley-riders turn into whimpering girly-men at the sight.  So some time ago, I decided to capture one of these guys and set up a nice house.  The photo here is Scott (a play on "SCUT" igera).  He did fine for a while and took live food readily.  But I released him back into the house since such racehorses like these shouldn't be cooped up.  

View attachment 7544
That thing is a creature of nightmares (are you sure it is a milli, not a centi?). I would not kill it, but I would move to another state to get away from it. However, I have no problem with mantids, tarantulas, bees, roaches, and giant millipedes. 

That thing is a creature of nightmares (are you sure it is a milli, not a centi?). I would not kill it, but I would move to another state to get away from it. However, I have no problem with mantids, tarantulas, bees, roaches, and giant millipedes. 
I think he meant centipede because this is definitely a house centipede. I've seen a few in my house before but none recently. I almost got scared to death by an adult one that almost ran on my hand when I was looking under some rocks in my yard, I actually have been trying to find some because I think their pretty cool, but the big one just surprised me because I wasn't expecting it to come running out from under a rock( I also only saw it out of the corner of my eye and thought it was a leaf blowing in the wind or something at first!) :D

Thanks guys, I stand corrected.  Scutigera coleoptrata is a centipede (one main differential from millipedes is centis have one leg per body segment.  Millis have two).

I've never heard of or seen a house centipede anywhere around here in my life, which is fine by me. :) Very strange creature, and I definitely wouldn't have let that racehorse loose in the house. Although I will leave spiders alone in my house, and fed on for several weeks under my bathroom sink. ;)

AGBs can be purchased legally on wardsci.com, though you are supposed to be an educator if you're buying them.

Karma at work, I found at least 3 centipedes in the garden yesterday. They are very fast. I also found a millipede that I adopted, I hope to find a few more. I also received 5 Smoky Oaks millipedes today from bugsincyberspace.com, here are a few pics. 


[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/COLOR]http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m526/androbees/Mobile%20Uploads/46D682D3-C990-44A3-B353-E73577E80B81.jpg[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/img][/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/COLOR]http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m526/androbees/Mobile%20Uploads/851D671C-860A-4C7C-8E0F-31DF0CA0EC6F.jpg[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/img][/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/COLOR]http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m526/androbees/Mobile%20Uploads/63621B61-8E1F-4F08-B464-4ACB82888AA4.jpg[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/img][/COLOR]

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I'm not sure why only one of those pictures worked, but you can click to see the rest. I also didn't realize there was a millipede section of the forum, if a mod sees this, maybe they would be kind enough to move this thread? Thanks. 

I'm not sure why only one of those pictures worked, but you can click to see the rest. I also didn't realize there was a millipede section of the forum, if a mod sees this, maybe they would be kind enough to move this thread? Thanks. 
It is due to the BBcode that is on there (the [/img] tags) as they are not valid. To fix the problem make sure to copy the Photobucket Direct link from the photo options. Also often times a smartphone will cause the problem too, as not everything is as compatible as advertised, if using a phone try your computer. ;) You can also edit the post and remove the [/img] code manually and they may work.

Very nice millipedes you got from Peter. :D


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