Idolomantis diabolica L3 molt - Time Lapse Video


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Nice work as always dude.

Reminds me of that dragon ball Z character Freeza when it transforms 7 ridiculous times or whatever it was. :lol:


freeza molts.jpg

What!?!? Idolos are just a Dragon Ball Z rip off! I want my money back. :angry:
I'm tortured by my son and boyfriend to watch Dragon Ball Z every Saturday morning. It used to be everyday, but I cancelled the cable so it's only Saturday morning now....

Amazing video. It's so amazing how they crawl out of their own skin. I am fascinated by their act of molting.

Did you sit through the entire duration of the molt? How long did it take?

Also, I like the videos on your YouTube page, especially the Sibylla pretiosa L2-L3 video. The music fit that video so perfectly. What equipment and/or programs are you using to make the music for your videos?

And I know what you mean about them being the mosquito mantis! I just got some L2 and L3 nymphs and they are constantly in motion.

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Amazing video. It's so amazing how they crawl out of their own skin. I am fascinated by their act of molting.

Did you sit through the entire duration of the molt? How long did it take?

Also, I like the videos on your YouTube page, especially the Sibylla pretiosa L2-L3 video. The music fit that video so perfectly. What equipment and/or programs are you using to make the music for your videos?

And I know what you mean about them being the mosquito mantis! I just got some L2 and L3 nymphs and they are constantly in motion.
I actually held the camera (as steady as possible) through the whole process. Should have used a tripod. :wacko: I never really timed it, but I guess the molt takes about 20 minutes once it really gets rolling. Then they hang till it hardens, of course. The adults take another half hour or so to uncoil their wings.

I've got more molt videos at YouTube and posted in the forums. I actually caught some footage today of a Sibylla pretiosa molting to, I believe, L4. Not the best since it was in a deli cup, but I'll try to get that posted soon.

I do all my music production in Ableton Live 8. I use a lot of VST plugins for glitching and FX. The ambient tracks are mostly a great softsynth called Camel Audio Alchemy. Also get a lot of use out of the Access Virus TI. And I've got tons of analog synths and studio gear. Feel free to PM me if you want more music info. :punk:
