mating mantids


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hope it works. im fed up of sitting there for hours waiting for them to mate!

yes.. another mating problem :rolleyes:


:D :D

yeah and the male just walked straight off her. :( is this what method most people use?
I cant speak for every one, but i have noticed some species are easier to just place on the females back directly. It really all depends on the mantis as well. I have a male narrow-winged freak out if i placed him on the females back directly. He prefers to slowly creep up on her, and then jump her bones.

is this what method most people use?
For me it is, when I don't have the time (or when I only have one male to many females) to make sure that the male doesn't get eaten. But sometimes when you do have the time, it's nice to observe the slow natural process at work because that's how they have always mated.

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What would you suggest is the best way to put the male directly on the female's back? Do you pick the male up by the thorax and put him down, have him crawl off your hand and just position your hand so his direct path is onto her back, or something else entirely?

The reason I ask is because I've been trying the latter, and he always seems to want to change directions and walk off my hand perpendicular to her and by the time I've fussed him into going the right way she's noticed him and isn't facing the right direction anymore. I've thought of trying the former, but I've not seriously considered it because he's way to skittish for me to just grab him without him transforming into a whirling ball of wings and pinches. Is there another way to do this?

What would you suggest is the best way to put the male directly on the female's back? Do you pick the male up by the thorax and put him down, have him crawl off your hand and just position your hand so his direct path is onto her back, or something else entirely?The reason I ask is because I've been trying the latter, and he always seems to want to change directions and walk off my hand perpendicular to her and by the time I've fussed him into going the right way she's noticed him and isn't facing the right direction anymore. I've thought of trying the former, but I've not seriously considered it because he's way to skittish for me to just grab him without him transforming into a whirling ball of wings and pinches. Is there another way to do this?
i just put him on my hand and faced him towards her then prodded him until he walked on her. if he kept walking i put my finger infront of his face and he stopped. he realised he was on the females back and then got down to buisness.

it took me 2 attempts

i just put him on my hand and faced him towards her then prodded him until he walked on her. if he kept walking i put my finger infront of his face and he stopped. he realised he was on the females back and then got down to took me 2 attempts
Sweet, I'll give that a try.

they just disconnected 10 mins ago.

haha the male wouldn't get off her. he was just riding on her back for ages. i took a video :p i found it pretty funny. will post soon.

is 6 hours okay do you reckon?
